Terminology Tuesday: Consecutive Employment

Today’s #terminologytuesday is more of a general explanation in terms of consecutive employment and hold day pay. ⁠

A popular question that is asked is “do we get paid for that?” ⁠

That question applies for many things, of course, but today we’re talking about them 𝘩𝘰𝘭𝘥 𝘥𝘢𝘺𝘴. ⁠

Glorious, semi gift-giving hold days. ⁠

The days you can lie around in your Tiger King sweats and get paid a day rate for it. ⁠

But will you always get paid for these delightful hold days? And what’s the catch?⁠

Hold days—denoted as an “H” on a DOOD, MUST be paid days per SAG rules. ⁠

The reason is because production is paying you to not accept work on these days. ⁠

Sometimes you’ll have a boatload of hold days in between work days. ⁠


The reasons can differ, but likely, the schedule is location dependent, and one of your locations needed to be at the top of the schedule and the other needed to be at the bottom.⁠

If these work dates fall within 14 calendar days, they must be paid for and treated as hold days. ⁠

If these work days fall OUTSIDE of 14 calendar days, production is allowed to do a drop/pick-up (DPU for short). ⁠

This means you will NOT get paid for hold days, but rather you will work on 2 separate contracts for your work. ⁠

For example, you might work 1 day on a daily contract then be “dropped” and picked back up 3 weeks later on a weekly contract to shoot 4 more days.⁠

Line producers/ADs will try to keep schedules as consecutive as possible to avoid situations like these as they are costly and cumbersome, but sometimes they are strapped to a location’s availability. ⁠

#themoreyouknow #thecastingdirectorscut #terminologytuesday #actorlife

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